Hello everyone in the um, internet world! I thought I would write a bit of an intro just so you don't think that I, the author, and Lauren are just insane sex-driven hanson fans; no, we're insane and ARTICULATE sex-driven hanson fans. And yes that makes a difference.

But I digress:
For reasons unbeknownst to me, I decided to write what we affectionately named "The Smut Story" for Lauren for merely our amusement, because well, what else is there to talk about aside from sex and Hanson anyway? The point is to be completely ironic and parody all those other smutty H-fic we all used to read when we were younger (come on now, I know you all were devoted to INAP and Devil's Angel, don't think you weren't). So, what better way to do so then have Lauren star as the main character and have myself as the trusty lusty side-kick?

"Of course!" you say, "that's brilliant!" Yes, I know, and I know all so therefore this must be the right thing to do...to have this incredibly sexually explicit and probably offensive fiction hosted on none other than Hanson's own webspace. Awesome! Mmm that will make Hanson totally want us.............
Sorry, what was I saying? Oh yeah, smut.
So, go read hope you laugh as hard as I did when writing it and just an fyi, if you think you can't handle reading the word "FUCK" or read about "SPRINGING MANHOODS" then uh, you may not want to venture any further. Oh and if Trolls scare you this is probably not the story for you either. Otherwise, good times and noodle salad!



I'm sorry, what was that? Oh, you want to read..the...oh right, yeah...sorry. Uh, okay, well anyway, Zac is Hawt.
Love, Kiley

installment one
installment two
installment three

you are right, i'm going to burn in hell for this.