Lauren's Opinion of Mandy...

I just thought this would make this funny

Okay, it's time to offend, confuse, and annoy!

I personally don't like Mandy Moore. She is just a part of the whole fake musicans wave going on in pop culture right now. She probably has some musical talent but I have yet to see it. I mean, she sings just fine and the girl can dance but that's not my opinion of musical talent. You know, writing songs, playing instruments. She might do that someday, but for now she remains among the little group of pop annoyances.

She's probably a fairly decent girl, I mean personality wise... counting personality as how nice she is. I'm sure she is a very kind girl. A bit too perky... but she's probably kind or something. Hey, she doesn't even follow Christina and Britney's trend of wearing revealing clothes and trying really hard to be sexy even though they're underage.

... or not
Oooops.... or not....

But back to me. I just can't stand her music.

I take a dance class and one day we were dancing to "Candy" and it made me pretty annoyed. But that's just me.

That video.... ugh. How come she likes that buff-model-guy-type who looks at least 18 and she was 15? And he holds the skateboard... does he use it? I know there's that dance scene in the ramp, but is he skating? The whole concept of that video was funny to me but I wasn't sure it was supposed to be.
But that's my opinion. Feel free to enjoy her stuff. I wouldn't call it music, but hey, you can. Have fun at school dances wiggling awkwardly with your peers! Or if you're older than that and still enjoy her, listen to it in your car... driving on the freeway... with all your windows rolled up... and make sure you are nowhere near me. Or maybe locked up in your room with all the windows in your house closed. Or better yet, quietly on headphones. Then you can feel free to enjoy Mandy.

Now on the whole "Mandy is with Taylor" thing.
Just because she likes Hanson and her and Taylor are almost the same age doesn't mean they are going out. Hanson meets tons of girls, famous and not, and they don't date every single girl their age they meet. Sure, Mandy is real pretty, and Taylor is nice looking himself, and hey- they could probably be attracted to each other or something (Taylor sure was giving her some weird looks back on TRL in May....) but whatever. It's still not the fans' buisiness and that's that.

I'm pretty sure Miss Moore hasn't stumbled upon here and read this, but if you have, I'm... not really sorry since that's how I feel. I sound so mean! I hate me for saying this but I am doing it anyway. This isn't nice of me. Oh well. Like I said, I bet you're a real nice girl and I just hurt your feelings. I would feel bad too if I had been given the chance to become famous by singing other people's songs and danceing to them and actually becomeing famous and read something like this about myself.

Especially since I was just reading about her and she sounds similar to me and it just scared me. She was born near me... the area and the date. How wrong is that? She has similar interests... now I feel even worse for somewhat-bashing her. But hey, maybe I shouldn't feel that bad. Read about Amby's interaction with her-

"please, dont feel bad about bashing her... I have met her, and she wasn't exactly the sweetest thing to me.

My story: My moms friend (lets call her R) knows the girl Lydia from the band PYT. Since she knows her from when she was little and all, when they came to our area to open up for Nsnc, R got tickets and backstage passes for free(They wern't the best but hey... it was nsnc... guee what a disapointment, lol :P ).

Anyhoo, R is around 35 and all, so she felt weird to be going to an Nsync concert, so at the last moment (as in the day before...) she literaly dragged me into the car and on the way explained that I was going to go see Nsync (oh joy, oh joy...not!).

When we finally got there, we found out that Mandy Moore was going to be opening up for them as well. She didn't really have a name for herself at the time, so no one knew who she was.

R introduced me to Lydia (Who wasn't that nice either...), and as they were talking, Mandy came over, and we all got introduced.

Well, the minute that R leaves, she turned to me and goes "I know you have met me and all, but don't think you are going to get an autograph out of it..."

Now, I did not know if she was joking or not, so I told her that I didn't even want to come to the stupid thing, and if she was going to be like that, then she can just eat her damn autograph. (Those may not have been the exact words, but as close as I can remember).

She was so shocked that she just walked away. About half an hour later, R and Lydia made me get my picture taken with her, and with the picture, she slipped me an autograph.

Was this her way of saying sorry? No idea. But anyhoo, there is my story about Mandy Moore. Maybe I was being a little rude? Or maybe she was... no clue."

Hmm... I think she was being a tad on the "I'm better than everyone else" side. But then again, she could have been havng a bad day or something. We all have those. Whatever. I'm not telling you to think anything in particular. :)

January 27, 2007 - I think the best thing about this, is the fact I actually really like Mandy Moore now. I like what she's become, and occasionally listen to her old songs like Candy for nostalgia and guilty pleasure purposes. I think it's a little sad that now she calls her old music really bad- I mean, it wasn't the most sophisticated, obviously, but it did bring joy to some people. Who were probably young girls. But, joy nonetheless.
But I also used to call it bad so- apparently, I'm never happy. And I think that goes for the general public as well. You can never please everybody.
Mandy is a beautiful girl with a good head on her shoulders (which is a lot more than you can say about plenty of celebrities)- she chose some interesting songs for her Coverage album. Not your typical teen pop superstar... although now she hasn't been a teen for a while.
I used to have a serious issue with appreaciating pop stars while they were popular. At the time I wrote this page, I was probably listening to New Kids On The Block singing Hangin' Tough or something. I hated them as a kid, and around 2000, I was appreciating them for hilarity and cheesiness sake.
My friend Tracey and her friend started a LiveJournal community where people post about bad creepy songs, which are then great for their creepy badness. Check if out if you are so inclined.